Many couples are faced with what or where to register based on the fact that they already live together and they already have all these items that couples would traditionally register for. If you feel like you have these items already, still register. It doesn't hurt to upgrade what you have.
Look through catalogs and get ideas of where you wish to register and definitely tell family and close friends so they can spread the word.
Think about registering for the smallest to the biggest items. This gives everyone a range of gifts to choose from.
Most registries provide free registry service online and in-store for brides and people that are using the registry.
Registries usually remain active for 2 years so guests can continue to purchase items for you (policies vary). Before you choose a registry, be sure to ask these questions:
How often is the registry updated?
What is your return policy?What I recommend?1.I recommend having at least 2 registries. This gives people different price ranges and locations to shop for gifts for you.
2.Use a gift recording system to keep track of who has sent you a gift (so you can send then a thank you card)
3. Do not forget to send Thank You Cards!
Some of the more popular registries: Fortunoff, Macys, Bed Bath adn Beyond, Bloomingdales, Crate & Barrel, Home Depot, JCPenney, Kohls, Lowes, Sears, Target, Williams-Sonoma.
Do your research and choose the registry that is right for you.